Tel: 519.754.0169 | Mail:


Your privacy is important to us

At BRANTFORD KINSMEN CLUB, we are committed to providing you with the finest community service backed by consistently top-quality shows/events. And while information about you is fundamental to our ability to do this, we fully recognize the importance of keeping personal information secure.

BRANTFORD KINSMEN may share information about you both within KIN and outside of KIN with other companies. This allows us to offer you shows/events and information that may be of interest to you, whether they are available directly from KIN or through our relationships with other companies. We want you to understand our information safeguards, what information we collect, what information we share, and the benefits you receive when we share information about you.

This notice describes the privacy practices of BRANTFORD KINSMEN CLUB for shows/events and informational distribution governed by the laws of Canada. This notice also explains BRANTFORD KINSMEN CLUB's practices regarding the collection, use and retention of personal information and lets you choose whether or not BRANTFORD KINSMEN CLUB may share certain information about you, either within KIN or outside of KIN with other companies.

Security Safeguards

BRANTFORD KINSMEN understands the importance of protecting and securing information and using it appropriately. Access to information about you is restricted to the people of BRANTFORD KINSMEN CLUB requiring it to provide shows/events, community service projects to you. We maintain physical, electronic, and procedural safeguards in compliance with applicable law.

When BRANTFORD KINSMEN CLUB shares information about you with a company outside of KINSMEN, we require them to impose safeguards, use it only for a permitted purpose, and to return it to us or destroy it once that purpose is served. We limit the amount of information shared to what is necessary to offer a show/event, community service projects efficiently. BRANTFORD KINSMEN CLUB requires any company receiving information from KIN to sign a Confidentiality Agreement containing these requirements and obligating that company to protect the information as we would.

Information We Collect

BRANTFORD KINSMEN CLUB collects and uses information about you only to the extent required to conduct our business and to consistently deliver the top-quality shows/events or community service projects you expect from us. Sources of this information include:

  • Information we receive from you on applications and other forms or through your correspondence or communication with us including through the mail, by telephone, fax., or over the Internet;
  • Information about your requests to BRANTFORD KINSMEN; and
  • Information we receive from third parties such as consumer & governental reporting agencies, to verify statements you've made to us or regarding your status, employment, credit, or other relationships.

Information We Share Within BRANTFORD KINSMEN

We may share any of the information we collect about you within BRANTFORD KINSMEN to offer additional shows/events or community services\projects that may interest you and best meet your needs. We believe this is more convenient for you and may save you both time and money. The decision to participate in any such show/event or services is yours alone. We may partner with other organizations in offering additional shows/events or services.

Information We Share With Others

We may share all the information we collect with companies that perform marketing or other community services on our behalf, with companies assisting us in servicing shows/events or community services you request, to government entities in response to subpoenas or regulatory requirements, or to consumer reporting agencies.

From time-to-time, we may also work with companies outside of KINSMEN to offer you show/event and services that we've determined may be of interest to you including companies such as insurance providers, governental agencies, or other service providers. In order to ensure that you receive only those shows/events or community service that are of greatest interest to you, we may share some or all of the information we have collected with these third party companies as outlined in the "security safeguards" section.

Important Information About Your Choice

We disclose information about you only in accordance with law and to the extent required to conduct our business. This allows us to offer you a greater variety of services and to consistently deliver the top-quality shows/events or community service you expect from BRANTFORD KINSMEN, in addition to saving you time and money. We fully recognize the importance of keeping personal information secure.

We're dedicated to serving your needs - and your choices related to privacy. You may direct BRANTFORD KINSMEN not to share information about you, either within BRANTFORD KINSMEN or with other companies outside of BRANTFORD KINSMEN (other than disclosures permitted or required by law). You may also notify us if you do not wish to receive any further marketing materials. However, if you should withdraw your consent to our use or ability to collect and report credit information on you to and from consumer and governmental reporting agencies, you do so on the understanding that we may no longer be able to extend shows\events or community service to you. We will continue to report the status of your account to credit reporting agencies until your account has been finally settled. If you wish to opt out of such information sharing, please write to us at:

C/O: BRANTFORD KINSMEN CLUB -- Privacy Issues, 25 North Park Street, Brantford, Ont. N3R 4J4.

We will ask you to verify your identity and the specific shows/events to which the opt out applies. BRANTFORD KINSMEN will continue to adhere to the privacy practices described in this notice even if you become an inactive Participant.

Please remember that your choices regarding BRANTFORD KINSMEN's information sharing practices are maintained by BRANTFORD KINSMEN unless you revoke them in writing.

Requesting Your Information

In accordance with applicable Federal law, upon written request, you are entitled to be informed of the existence, use and disclosure of your personal information. To make such a request, please write to us at the address noted above. Please note that an approximate cost of $25.00 applies to all such requests.

This notice updates and replaces any previous notices from BRANTFORD KINSMEN about the privacy, security and protection of information.

Email Disclaimer

Confidentiality Caution and Disclaimer

This message is intended only for the use of the individual or entity to which it is addressed and contains information that is privileged and confidential. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, or the employee or agent responsible for delivering the message to the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution or copying of this communication is strictly prohibited. If you have received this communication in error, please notify us immediately at (519) 754-0169 and delete the original message. If you are the intended recipient of this message, we remind you that electronic mail on the Internet may not be secure from both privacy and software perspectives.

Avertissement de confidentialité et de non-responsabilité

Ce message est uniquement destiné à l’usage de la personne ou du groupe à qui il est adressé et il contient des renseignements privilégiés et confidentiels. Si le lecteur de ce message n’est pas le destinataire prévu, ou l’employé ou le représentant responsable de transmettre le message au destinataire prévu, vous êtes averti par la présente que toute divulgation, distribution ou copie de cette communication est strictement interdite. Si vous avez reçu cette communication par erreur, veuillez nous en faire part immédiatement au (519) 754-0169 et supprimer le message original. Si vous êtes le destinataire prévu de ce message, nous vous rappelons que le courrier électronique sur Internet peut ne pas être sécuritaire du point de vue, à la fois de la protection de la vie privée et de celui des logiciels.

Current Events

  • We are proud to hold our Kinsmen 50 Annual Car Show & Swap Meet on third Sunday in September.

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  • Brantford Kinsmen 14 Annual Ribfest Weekend. The biggest event in Brantford, since Canada Day..

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  • Brantford International Villages Member since 1984 with our theme Village New York, New York.

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