Membership Application

Kinsmen Club of Brantford Membership Application
The Kinsmen Club of Brantford is an affiliate of Kin Canada which is comprised of Kinsmen, Kinettes & Kin clubs across Canada. Our club is a volunteer organization made up of men who wish to make Brantford & Brant County a better place to live. Our members are proud to call Brantford & Brant County home for years (1941 - ) and wish to make our community one of the best communities in Canada.
Our club is dedicated to serve and to raise funds to be put back into our community. The majority of the funds raised by our club stay in the community of Brantford & Brant County. Our national charity of choice is Canadian Cystic Fibrosis Foundation.
We are looking for community minded people who want to make a difference in Brantford & Brant County. If you recently moved to Brantford or Brant County our club is a great place to learn about your community.
We are first and foremost a community service organization, not a lodge or fraternity and our members cover a broad cross section of the community.
Prospective members must:
- Be able to attend some general meetings and participate in various Fundraiser to be eligible to join.
- Be at lease 19 years of age. There is no upper age limit.
- Must be residing or work in the Brantford or Brant County area.
- Who are in good standing within the community.
If you are interested please fill out our printed form and bring it with you to one of our meetings or sent it to us by one of the methods on contact page, or use our online form. Our membership chairman will get in touch with you within two week.